Home > Bundle #1 + ABE and GED 2002
(19 Programs)
Tutorial math and reading software for elementary and secondary arithmetic, basic math, algebra, geometry, precalculus plus GED, ABE, and CLEP preparation for elementary school, high school, college, adult education, and homeschool students.
Add ABE-Math and GED-Math to the "All-in-One Basic Education Bundle" (19 Programs)

Product Description

All the software programs you need to master the ABE and GED2002 -- Arithmetic, Basic Math, Language Arts Reading Comprehension & Critical Thinking, and practice math tests for both ABE and GED.
PLEASE BE AWARE that the GED TEST WILL CHANGE January 1, 2014. You must have passed all portions of the current test series, which began in 2002, by the end of December 2013. If you do not finish and pass all parts (at least 410 per section and an overall score of 2250) you will be required to start all over on the NEW TEST SERIES. The NEW TEST will be computer based, and we anticipate the price to increase dramatically.
FYI: The GED Testing Service announced earlier this year that correctional institutions that are unable to implement CBT on January 1, 2014 can request a waiver to continue to deliver the 2002 Series GED Test on paper until a time when they can make the requisite changes. About 25 states have requested a waiver for some or all of their facilities.