Home > Basic Math Series Workbooks (set of 5)
Tutorial math and reading software for elementary and secondary arithmetic, basic math, algebra, geometry, precalculus plus GED, ABE, and CLEP preparation for elementary school, high school, college, adult education, and homeschool students.
Follow along screen-by-screen with these five (5) workbooks!
Product Description
You will recieve one workbook for each computer program in the "Basic Math Series":"Fraction Basics" Workbook
"Decimal Basics" Workbook
"Percent Basics" Workbook
"Algebra Basics" Workbook
"Geometry Basics" Workbook
These workbooks are ready for the student to open and begin to follow along with the computer. Students may write in answer boxes, just as they would "type" into the computer program.
Instruction, examples, practice problems, and solutions are all included in this printed workbook.
The end of each section concludes with supplementary problems which are not in the computer program. These problem sets can be used as homework assignments.
Each workbook contains the same Progress Chart which appears in the User Guide for the sofware. Students are encouraged to monitor their progress with these charts. Before attempting the test, students should re-learn those sections which were challenging.
The computer programs can be used with or without the workbooks.