Tutorial math and reading software for elementary and secondary arithmetic, basic math, algebra, geometry, precalculus plus GED, ABE, and CLEP preparation for elementary school, high school, college, adult education, and homeschool students.
Daily Life Mathematics

Product Description
Daily Life Mathematics
I feel like I am pounding the table on the same topic (survival math) over and over. I do not want to give the impression that algebra and geometry are not important and especially trig and calculus for our future engineers and physicists.
Ironically some of the most educated in our society do not manage their own finances. They hire others, while the middle struggle with Turbo Tax and the uneducated flounder around, if they file at all.
Taxes are the tip of the iceberg. To even get there, basic money concepts need to be understood. Especially needed are lessons on credit card usage, car loans, mortgages etc. But even that comes after how to get employed well enough to support a family’s basic needs. Examine household expenses. Learn about the expenses involved in raising children, and discuss the difference between consuming versus saving. Learn how to prepare for financial crises which seem to happen every few years.
I just wish to sound the alarm on the lack of financial education in our schools. It can start in kindergarten with the concept of money and mock investing in middle school and more advanced money matters in high school. Also, how about some adult ed classes in our 2-yr colleges.
Maybe there are financial money matters classes already in some places – great, wonderful!
It’s troubling to hear how many people don’t have enough funds for a $400 emergency.
We are all in this “boat” together, so let’s raise the importance of teaching our population how to survive in addition to teaching advanced topics to keep our society competitive.
With many teachers already working more than 50 hours per week, it makes sense to use the educational tools available to reach ALL students. Try our demo to see if it meets the needs of your students. Ordering season is approaching. Please submit your quote request with the number of workstations that will be using the software to support@mathmedia.com.
Opinions and Analysis by: Illana Herzig Weintraub
Publisher: MathMedia Educational Software, Inc.
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 Regular price: $189.00 Limited Time Offer: $94.50 |  Regular price: $189.00 Limited Time Offer: $94.50 |
 Regular price: $49.00 Limited Time Offer: $24.50 |  Regular price: $49.00 Limited Time Offer: $24.50 |