Tutorial math and reading software for elementary and secondary arithmetic, basic math, algebra, geometry, precalculus plus GED, ABE, and CLEP preparation for elementary school, high school, college, adult education, and homeschool students.
A Curriculum that works for the independent learner...

As homeschooling continues to grow, so does the need for content curriculum. MathMedia software provides the curriculum for success and growth -- the student need only know "point and click" computer skills to master the entire math curriculum from grade 5 through 12 of the typical math education required for success on college entrance exams.
All programs are "stand-alone" complete courses to be used as a curriculum or within the curriculum.
"I recently came across Mathmedia on the internet and ordered the pre-Algebra for my homeschooler. I am happy to report that this visual and hands on approach is just what my child needed to grasp fundemental Algebra concepts. I am anxious to look into several other Mathmedia software choices not only for myself but for use by other homeschoolers." JJ, Anchorage, Alaska
“I am actually pleased at the content driven focus of the software. We can use this in our secondary methods course as well as math methods.“ Simpson College
"This software provides my daughter with the ability to learn independently, offering facts and helpful hints
before providing problems for her to solve. It's working out very well . . . I think the software lends itself nicely to helping students throughout the year by supplementing any materials they get in a regular classroom." A. H., Tucson, AZ
"My son, who is not enthusiastic about learning anything, tried this program and asked me to get more in the series!"
M. C., Sommerset, NJ
"We're so glad to have found serious math software without flying ducks and frogs." Robert Morris College
Order: 736
Rating: Excellent
Comments: I received my order very fast. I'm quite happy with how my order was handled. Thanks MathMedia!!
Order: 627
Rating: Excellent
Comments: I have been very happy with the Mathmedia software as well as the company's prompt and helpful service.
Order: 601
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Received my order quickly. Software was everything I hoped for.
Order: 579
Rating: Excellent
Order: 573
Rating: Excellent
Comments: My pre-sale questions were answered by a toll-free phone call, my order was easy to submit at the site, was received in a timely fashion, and easy to load onto my computer. The software itself is easy to use and, best of all, teaches math in a very understandable way.
TOLL-FREE PHONE: 888-448-6700
FAX LINE: 847-564-8536