Tutorial math and reading software for elementary and secondary arithmetic, basic math, algebra, geometry, precalculus plus GED, ABE, and CLEP preparation for elementary school, high school, college, adult education, and homeschool students.
Spring Purchase Season

Product Description
Spring Purchase Season
Spring is the beginning of the institutional purchasing season.
The spring purchase season may involve purchasing software licenses.
What are your specific needs?
Do you have students with a variety of ability levels?
Do you have students with "holes" in their background?
Would you like to supplement your classroom teaching?
Do you have adult students preparing for the TABE or GED?
Are you, yourself, preparing for college placement exams?
Are you, yourself, preparing for the GED?
Would you like a resource to supplement your class work?
Are you a self learner needing learning materials to advance or catch up?
Did you answer "yes" to any of the above questions?
Then our interactive tutorial software is perfect for you.
The goal of the spring purchase season is to ensure that schools have the necessary resources and materials to provide students with a high-quality education. By making purchases in advance, schools can avoid last-minute scrambling and ensure that they have everything they need for the upcoming school year.
Delivery options:
Download or USB drive (An internet connection is not required to run software.)
Online subscription (You may choose your start date for future activation.)
Purchase methods:
By Institutional Purchase Order
Email your Purchase Order to support@mathmedia.com
Fax your Purchase Order to 847-564-8536
By credit card
Click here to order directly from our website www.mathmedia.com
Click here to print our Order Form
(Email your Order to support@mathmedia.com
OR Fax your Order to 847-564-8536)
Pricing questions: please email support@mathmedia.com
With many teachers already working more than 50 hours per week, it makes sense to use the educational tools available to reach ALL students.
Request our demo either at our online store or email us your request to support@mathmedia.com.
Email us if you need a quote for the number of workstations that will be using the software to support@mathmedia.com.
We help teachers teach. We help students learn.
All MathMedia programs teach interactively, with step-by-step examples,
practice problems and solutions, quizzes and tests. All programs are available by download, USB flash drive, or online.
Opinions and Analysis by: Illana Herzig Weintraub
Publisher: MathMedia Educational Software, Inc.
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