Tutorial math and reading software for elementary and secondary arithmetic, basic math, algebra, geometry, precalculus plus GED, ABE, and CLEP preparation for elementary school, high school, college, adult education, and homeschool students.
The "hurdles" to math learning...

Product Description
Learning Math
Bumps in the Road
In basic math education, students struggle with fractions when they have not mastered multiplication. We all know that math is sequential and when a student has "holes" in their math education background, they must be addressed by returning to the pre-requisites... that is the ONLY way students will feel the thrill of math success.
In Algebra 1, students face the challenge of factoring polynomials, only to find out that once again, multiplication skills are imperative. Yes, we have the calculator but punching in 3x4 is a major waste of time when solving complex multi-step algebra problems. The calculator is wonderful for the study of trigonometry - but it slows students down when used for simple calculations that could have been practiced and drilled with the help of math lessons and math activities which address not only the concepts of arithmetic operations but provide ample interactive practice. Other Algebra 1 topics that require a solid arithmetic and basic math background include algebraic fractions and algebraic division.
In Geometry, there are several challenges. Learning how to write a proof in geometry is usually the first hurdle. We'll show you how to do it - how to think about it so that you keep it straight in your mind and write the proofs in an orderly fashion. The next big hurdle is learning all the properties of quadrilaterals - there is a lot to learn and practicing with various types of questions and problems enhances learning. The geometry of circles seems to always be a topic where students encounter challenges. Additionally, for some reason the S.A.T. and A.C.T. have an overabundance of circle problems. Right triangle geometry is a necessity for solving circle problems and for being successful later in trigonometry. Math vocabulary is essential toward understanding.
Algebra 2 is a "buffet" of mathematics. Every chapter is a new topic having little or nothing to do with the previous chapter's topic. Conic sections have little to do with sequences and series or logarithms. Nonetheless, good Algebra 1 skills are imperative.
Trigonometry relies heavily on a strong right triangle geometry background - trig is a very interesting course because it integrates so much of the prior math learning.
And, this is just the beginning of the world of math!
2015-2022 By Illana Weintraub for MathMedia Educational Software, Inc.
 Regular price: $189.00 Limited Time Offer: $94.50 |  Regular price: $189.00 Limited Time Offer: $94.50 |
 Regular price: $89.00 Limited Time Offer: $44.50 |  Regular price: $299.00 Limited Time Offer: $149.50 |
 Regular price: $299.00 Limited Time Offer: $149.50 |  Regular price: $349.00 Limited Time Offer: $174.50 |
 Regular price: $39.00 Limited Time Offer: $19.50 |  Regular price: $1,588.00 Limited Time Offer: $794.00 |